
Ann Daan (Donating Food grains and Groceries)

The youth of this country are future torch bearers of the society and nation. Education of these children is therefore a responsibility of society and the nation. While govt tries it best to provide education to the youth of the country, society must come forward and ensure this process gets it backing. Many countries globally have made education free and we too for centuries have worked on the concept of having society contribute to the education of its youth. Gurukul is attempting to encourage all contributive efforts of society to educate its youth. Towards this goal we encourage contributions from society in various ways. In line with our philosophy. We welcome individuals, self help groups, societies, etc to generously donate foodgrains and groceries  to our gurukuls. You can make this ann daan at any of our Gurukuls. In case you are not able to make it to our gurukuls, you can contact us on the following
E-mail ID:   saurabh@gurukulindia.org.in 

Avibhavak Yojana (Adopt a Snaatak - Guardian Sponsor)

Our cause has found tremendous support from the privileged sections of society who wish to offer a helping hand to the children we are educating. You can be a part of this support group by being an “Avibhavak” under our Avibhavak yojana. An Avibhavak is a Guardian Sponsor. Each Avibhavak can take up part sponsorship of the total expenses we bear on a single child across an academic year and support eh facilities, education, food and stay of a child in our Gurukul. We also offer our Avibhavak’s a unique model of contribution by entrusting them with some responsibilities of mentoring and connecting with our Snaataks. Herein each Avibhavak has to mandatorily :
a) write atleat 2 letters to our Snaaataks
b) pay atleast  visit to our Gurukul
We see these small steps as effective vehicles to create the CONNECT society needs.
If you are interested in being an Avibhavak, you can write to us at   saurabh@gurukulindia.org.in

Paalak Yojana (Adopt a Gurukul - As a guardian)

At Gurukul we promote the concept of society coming forward and contributing to the process of education of its youth.  While everyone can contribute to this process, there are always a section of individuals and groups who can contribute in bigger ways . The paalak program of Gurukul Is one such program. Paalak in sanskrit is often an attribute given to parents who offer food ,shelter, security and maintenance as a whole to children. In the same spirit, under our Paalak  program, we encourage contributors to take up the larger role of a Paalak of a Gurukul wherein a Paalak contributes to the provisioning of  Land, building, materiais needed in building a Gurukul as also cater to all its needs for a period of 1 year in terms of Food, Security, Shelter and Snaatak’s education needs In line with its philosophy , of not accepting any monetary donation, the Paalak is requested to offer all of the above in kind . For further inquiries on this program please write to   saurabh@gurukulindia.org.in

Sahkaarya Yojana (Volunteering opportunities)

Gurukul shall run 2 week internship programs for individuals who plan to come and work at a Gurukul full time. Candidates can apply on sahkaryayojana@gurukulindia.org.in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   and get more information on this program. The program shall entail full time stay and work in the Gurukul assigned. The contributor will be selected based on a selection process. Individual’s or groups who plan to visit a Gurukul and wish to help in its development and maintenance work can do so through our Shram Daan Yojana . As a part of this  program we will list plans of carrying out maintenance or construction activities of our Gurukuls on this website. Contributors can send in their pledges for shram daan on these days through this website and we will reach out to them to firm up their Visiting plans and work schedule for the time they plan to visit. 
To inquire more about this program write to  saurabh@gurukulindia.org.in

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